Meet the team:

Chief Executive Officer - Whitney McNamara
Committees managed: Executive, Board of Directors, Finance, Nominating, REALTOR® Party, and REALTOR® of the Year.
I’m your go-to person for all things NEAR! Whether you want to chat about our vision for the future, share your ideas, or get involved in new initiatives, I’m here to connect and collaborate. I look forward to chatting with you!

Membership & Professional Standards Coordinator - Sharon Sarvela | Email me
Committees managed: Community Service, Professional Standards, and Grievance.
I’m your go-to person for membership and professional standards questions. Need to know about dispute resolution options, how to pay your dues, or just want to know how many members NEAR currently has? I’ve got the answers.

Education & Experience Specialist - Naomi Watts | Email me
How can I help? I am the first one you typically speak with when you call or face that you see when you walk in the office. I do my best to help you out or direct you to someone who can. Need help registering for a class, getting a property on our broker tour, or have questions about continuing education? I'm happy to get you squared away!