
Brandon Sweeney

Tracy Callahan

Shannon Forsythe
First Vice President

Wendy Maguire

Ruth Berube-Leach
NEAR Director

Shalmai Hernandez
NEAR Director

Chris Rochon
NEAR/MAR Director

Jeff Borstell
NEAR Director

Kristen Keegan
MAR President-elect

Stephanie Saunders
NEAR Director

Ron Carpenito
NEAR/MAR Director

Cheryl King
NEAR/MAR Director

Lisa Sevajian
NEAR Director

Chris Doherty
NEAR Director

Colleen Murphy
MAR Director at Large

Neily Soto
NEAR/MAR Director
Committee, Task Force, & Work Group Chairs
Awards Committee: Kristen Keegan, Chair; Colleen Murphy, Vice Chair
Board of Directors/Executive Committee: Brandon Sweeney, Chair
Community Service Committee: Lisa Politano & Sarah Zambuto, Co-Chairs
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee: Shannon Forsythe, Chair
Education: Stephanie Saunders, Chair; Mark Kavanagh, Vice Chair
Finance Committee: Wendy Maguire, Chair
Nominating Committee: Tracy Callahan, Chair
REALTOR® Party Committee: Chris Rochon, Chair; Sandra Pereira, Vice Chair
Special Events Committee: Martha Sotiropoulos, Chair; Ron Carpenito, Vice Chair
Young Professionals Committee: Shalmai Rivera, Chair
Andover/North Andover Broker Tour Coordinator: Marilyn Ellis